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        時間:2023-11-01 08:14:30 演講稿 我要投稿
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          I m very plesed to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presenttion is properties of rpid construction mterils for soil pvement of field irfield. s is shown in the picture, the min prts of my reserch re bout soil pvement. My presenttion will include these four prts: First, some bckground informtion bout this reserch; second, the min work we hve done; third, some conclusions we hve got nd the 1st: innovtion nd presenttion of our published ppers. Why I choose this item I think it cn be illustrted from the following four prts. First, the existing quntity of irfields is still not sufficient nd the irfields hve mny shortcomings especi11y in wr time. Second, the complementry fellities, such s highwy runwys re fr less thn irfields, however, hve more wekness. Third, cert in mount of field irfield is quite necessry considering some emergencies such s rescue nd disster relief. Forth, the field irfield cn fill the void of irfield nd they cn be combined to be irfield network. The mening nd im of this reserch contins three prts. Fst, convenient nd vlidity, fst mens the field irfield must be constructed s fst s possible, convenient mens the construction should need the minimum equipment, Ibor nd mterils considering the ctul construction condition, vlidity mens the constructed irf ield is ble to support the opertion of given ircrft in specif icily time. Just like mny other territories, the sitution of the reserch is tht the rmy tkes dvnced line. The rmy declres tht they cn rech to nywhere on the erth in 96 hours, the most importnt method for force projection is though ircrft, thus rpid construction of pvement is the key problem for rpid force trnsporttion. The min work we hve done cn be summrized s four prts, mterils choosing, scheme inking, mechnicl properties reserch nd wter-stble properties reserch. We choose two kinds of soils, which re got from Xi' n, Shnxi province nd Jiuqun, Gnsu province seprtely. The snd from B River ws considerte to investigte the influence of snd to the properties of stbilized soil. The chosen three kinds of powders re cement, lime nd new-type stbi 1 izer developed by Chng' n University. The principles in considering the function of 4 kings of fibers re referring different length, type nd mixing them. On ccount of the time, I will mke brief description bout the experiment scheme. In summry, three prts were proposed to distinguish the ffecting fetors in inking experiment scheme. They re powder control, fiber control nd other fetors. Tking powder control for exmple, the dosge of cement is respectively 6%, 8% nd 10% when the soil is stbilized only by cement, while the dosge of cement decrese to 3%, 5% nd 7% when the lime is ddicted to stbilized soil. The following two fetors re stbilizer nd snd.

          Six kinds of experiments were performed to investigte the influence of bove fetors to the mechnicl properties of stbilized soil. The im of compction test is to find the mximum dry density nd optimum moisture content. The im of compression strength test is to determine the optimum dosge of cement, lime, powder stbilizer nd fiber, menwhile evluting the performnee of stbilized soil. The im of splitting tension strength test is similr to compression strength test, the left picture is smple stbilized by cement, while the right picture is the smple stbilized by fiber nd cement. The direct sheer is nother importnt prmeter in geotechnicl engineering. It influences the foundtion bering epeity nd mny other properties especilly for soil bse nd bse course. The left picture shows the course of mking smple nd the right picture shows the test process. The CBR test nd rebound modulus test re referenced from highwy test specifiction to evluting the comprehensive epeities of ech structure level of the pvement. For both the two tests, the 1 eft picture shows the course of mking smple nd the right picture shows the test process. Wht should be noted is tht the number of smple is t lest 6, the 1st result is the verge vlue of these dte got from test fter eliminting the bd results. Four kinds of experiments were performed to investigte the influence of bove fetors to the wter-stble properties of stbilized soil. The scouring test is not the stted experiment in current specifiction. It is performed by us through looking up Irge quntity of interrelted literture, nd two different wys to erry out. The left picture shows the method of vibrtion tble nd the right picture shows the method of ftigue test instrument. Penetrnt test refers to the experiment in relting concrete specifiction. The left picture shows the process of sturtion, the right picture shows the test process. Cntbri test nd other tests re 11 originl experiments; they re used in stbilized soil for first time, here I will not develop my nrrtive. s regrds the innovtion, I think it throughout the whole reserch, including mterils choosing, scheme mking, mechnicl nd wter-stble experiments. experiments, test method nd test instrument.









