cooperate - v. to act or work together
copy - v. to make something exactly like another; n. something made to look exactly like another
corn - n. a food grain
correct - ad. true; free from mistakes; v. to change to what is right
cost - n. the price or value of something ; v. to be valued at
cotton - n. a material made from a plant of the same name
count - v. to speak or add numbers
country - n. a nation; the territory of a nation; land away from cities
court - n. where trials take place; where judges make decisions about law
cover - v. to put something over a person or thing; n. anything that is put over a person or thing
cow - n. a farm animal used for its milk
crash - v. to fall violently; to hit with great force
create - v. to make; to give life or form to
creature - n. any living being; any animal or human
credit - n. an agreement that payments will be made at a later time
crew - n. a group of people working together
crime - n. an act that violates a law
criminal - n. a person who is responsible for a crime